
Django + + CloudFlare Gotchas

Posted: 2023-07-10

This site uses Django, running on, fronted by CloudFlare (I know, I know, but I'm using the free tier…).

The only thing that might set it apart from the panoply of roll-your-own Django blogs is that I'm using Google Docs as the WYSIWYG editor. (TODO: write about that and link to it here).

Here's a list of things I ran into that took a little debugging:

Problem: Django admin date/time widgets disappearing

The widgets for models.DateTimeField that should look like:


Where instead looking like:


And the console was showing:

Uncaught ReferenceError: django is not defined

    at prepopulate_init.js:3:15


I was inserting custom JavaScript into the admin page, and forgetting to add {{ block.super }} to my template:

 {% extends "admin/change_form.html" %}

 {% load static %}

 {% block extrahead %}

 {{ block.super }} {% comment %} <- you don't forget this {% endcomment %}

 <script type="text/javascript" src="{% static 'blog/js/change_form.js' %}"></script>

 {% endblock %}

Problem: Cloudflare was showing an error page

When using a CNAME to point to the site's URL, I was getting "Web server is returning an unknown error Error code 520" messages:


The issue was that Cloudflare (defaulted?) into "Flexible" SSL/TLS encryption mode, as found under SSL/TLS > Overview on the sidebar. That was causing cloudflare to make a HTTP / port 80 connection to my app, which for whatever reason, didn't like it.

Changing the SSL/TLS encryption mode to "Full" or "Full (strict)" fixed the problem, and was very much the right thing to do anyway:


Tags: hosting, debugging

© Andrew